Food Services

Great food, great service… headache free

Providing food services is a central hub for people’s increased enjoyment, relaxation, and general happiness. With our winning team of concession experts, you’ll experience an increase in concession productivity through sales and improved customer service, all while reducing expenditures.

Let our team help you investigate the revenue-generating opportunities in your facility’s food services department. You have the option of hiring us to run the concession or placing a tenant in charge to run it for you.

You can count on us to deliver the following:

  • Increased variety in food choice by offering healthy and nutritious options
  • Enhanced food safety by ensuring compliance and safe food handling practices and with a history of approved inspections
  • Preferred tenants development by maintaining relationships within local businesses and organizations
  • Reduced vacancy time between outgoing and incoming tenants
  • Established fair market value with transparent, clear, and competitive per-square-foot lease, without devaluing the property
  • Developed formal lease agreements by ensuring clear expectations between the tenant and the facility
  • Standardized formal record keeping system by collecting and tracking required documents such as insurance, business license, and permits

Lettuce provide you with the best food service experience. Sound gouda? (see what we did there?)

Some of our clients